Hello Kish and all, I have some questions and comments regarding the ECH library. - The chr/1 predicate allows to clear out old CHR code before compiling new ones. In ECH, this predicate looks really awkward because the argument has to be a file and is not really used. In particular, the file is not compiled as in CHR. I'd be happy if a new version of the library could provide a more intuitive predicate. - Another question about chr/1 and ECH: Some time ago, this list gave me the following advice on how to remove old ECLiPSe code. At those times, I did not use CHR or ECH. % [...] turn your file into a module, i.e., add a :- module(mymodule). % directive to it. Then the module will be automatically erased before % every recompilation. If you don't want to bother learning about % modules, you can choose 'eclipse' as the module name, then you should % see no further difference in behaviour. That trick doesn't seem to work in combination with chr/1 in ECH: There is an error on compiling the second time, see below. So, what is the best way to erase the old clauses and to erase the CHR store? Thank you, Ulrich test.ecl: -- :- module(eclipse). :- lib(ech). % to clean out the constraint store % :- chr(empty). :- handler typemodule. % CHR constraints :- constraints typeSameset/2. -- empty.ecl This is an empty file, i.e., a file with zero bytes length. [scholzuh_at_...161...:ECH] >eclipse ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System [kernel] Kernel and basic libraries copyright Cisco Systems, Inc. and subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public Licence 1.1 (see legal/cmpl.txt or www.eclipse-clp.org/licence) Source available at www.sourceforge.org/projects/eclipse-clp GMP library copyright Free Software Foundation, see legal/lgpl.txt For other libraries see their individual copyright notices Version 6.0 #42 (i386_linux), Wed Sep 24 01:37 2008 [eclipse 1]: [test]. source_processor.eco loaded in 0.01 seconds hash.eco loaded in 0.00 seconds compiler_common.eco loaded in 0.03 seconds compiler_normalise.eco loaded in 0.02 seconds compiler_map.eco loaded in 0.01 seconds compiler_analysis.eco loaded in 0.02 seconds compiler_peephole.eco loaded in 0.03 seconds compiler_codegen.eco loaded in 0.04 seconds compiler_varclass.eco loaded in 0.02 seconds compiler_indexing.eco loaded in 0.01 seconds compiler_regassign.eco loaded in 0.02 seconds asm.eco loaded in 0.05 seconds module_options.eco loaded in 0.00 seconds ecl_compiler.eco loaded in 0.28 seconds lists.eco loaded in 0.01 seconds numbervars.eco loaded in 0.01 seconds ech.eco loaded in 0.07 seconds empty.ecl compiled 0 bytes in 0.00 seconds Found CHR typeSameset/2 in module eclipse, generating transformed code test.ecl compiled 0 bytes in 0.09 seconds Yes (0.38s cpu) [eclipse 2]: -1. [test]. record does not exist in abolish_record_body('CHRcode', eclipse) ERROR: test.ecl:3: Query exited (abort): :- chr(empty) Error(s) occurred while compiling /home/scholzuh/Forschung/Invarianten/ECH/test.ecl Aborting execution ... Abort [eclipse 3]:Received on Tue Jan 27 2009 - 09:26:09 CET
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