George Thomas wrote: > Hi - > > Are there some examples showing how visualzation can be seen on ECLiPSe 6.0? You just need to add one line to your code, a call to viewable_create/2,3,4. Here is a sudoku example: % - Compile this code in tkeclipse. % - Open "Visualisation Client" from the tools-menu. % - Enter and run query solve(X). % - Select "Text Table" viewer (should display the matrix with starting values). % - Click "resume" (displays value propagation and final solution). % % To see propagation steps one-by-one: % - Right-click for background menu % - "Select all viewlets" % - "Hold on updates" % Rerun the problem, and keep clicking "resume". :- lib(ic). solve(Board) :- problem(Board), sudoku(3, Board). sudoku(N, Board) :- N2 is N*N, dim(Board, [N2,N2]), Board[1..N2,1..N2] :: 1..N2, viewable:viewable_create(sudoku, Board), %%% ADD THIS LINE %%% ( for(I,1,N2), param(Board,N2) do ic_global:alldifferent(Board[I,1..N2]), ic_global:alldifferent(Board[1..N2,I]) ), ( multifor([I,J],1,N2,N), param(Board,N) do ic_global:alldifferent(flatten(Board[I..I+N-1,J..J+N-1])) ), labeling(flatten(Board)). problem([]( [](_, 9, 8, _, _, _, _, _, _), [](_, _, _, _, 7, _, _, _, _), [](_, _, _, _, 1, 5, _, _, _), [](1, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), [](_, _, _, 2, _, _, _, _, 9), [](_, _, _, 9, _, 6, _, 8, 2), [](_, _, _, _, _, _, _, 3, _), [](5, _, 1, _, _, _, _, _, _), [](_, _, _, 4, _, _, _, 2, _))). -- JoachimReceived on Mon Nov 24 2008 - 01:10:04 CET
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