[eclipse-clp-users] How to setup and use the Cbc eplex library?

From: Scholz, Ulrich <ulrich.scholz_at_...10...>
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2008 12:35:01 +0200
Hi everybody,

hopefully, you will not receive several copies of this post.  Sorry, if you
do.  I have problems posting to the list so I tried several times.

I just successfully downloaded and compiled the Coin-OR Cbc eplex library.

Now running a litte test program (attached below) gives errors like

  WARNING: predicate declared but not defined in lp_get_license_challenge / 1 in module eplex_s
  WARNING: predicate used but not declared or defined in cplex_set_cpcstr_cond / 4 in module eplex_s
  WARNING: predicate used but not declared or defined in cplex_get_cpcstr_info / 4 in module eplex_s

It seems that I have to tell ECLiPSe about the solver.  How?

I'm sure that it is written somewhere but I must be blind.  Please point me
to it.



:- lib(eplex_osi_clpcbc).

   lp_example(Cost) :-
     my_instance: eplex_solver_setup(min(X)),
     my_instance: (X+Y $>= 3),
     my_instance: (X-Y $= 0),
     my_instance: eplex_solve(Cost).

?- lp_example(C).

Ulrich Scholz            

Phone: +49-6221-533244
Email: ulrich.scholz_at_...10...


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Received on Mon Sep 08 2008 - 03:35:06 CEST

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