[eclipse-users] Question re rpc

From: Farrell, Andrew <andrew.farrell_at_...50...>
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2007 12:22:11 +0100
Hi Eclipse Users,

I am using EclipseEngine.rpc -- very simple, I wish to declare a range
for a variable, but when using the method call it decides that it is
incorrect syntax.

Using DosEclipse, everything is fine:

[eclipse 24]: X &:: [a,b].

X = X{[a, b]}
Yes (0.00s cpu)

But when using rpc -- eclipse.rpc("X &:: [a,b]"); -- I get the use of
the &:: being syntactically incorrect:

string stream 7: syntax error: postfix/infix operator expected
| X &:: [a,b]
|     ^ here
string contains unexpected characters in term_string(_950, "X &::

I'm currently a little baffled by this.

Any ideas?

Many thanks
Andrew Farrell

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