Christian Pfaller wrote: > I'm calling ECLiPSe via the Java-ECLiPSe interface and I want to give > the user the possibility to abort the execution of the rpc(...) call to > ECLiPSe. Thus I'd like to achieve pretty the same behavior as pressing > the "interrupt" button in TkEclipse. > > I was thinking about having to Java Threads: One which executes the > rpc(...) method from EclipseConnection and the other Thread which > listens, if the user wants to abort execution. > > They onl solution I see so far is to use Thread.stop() ... but since Sun > doesn't recommend this at all ("... inherently unsafe ...") I'd prefer > to avoid it. (And Thread.stop() doesn't always show the desired effect). > > The nice way of terminating threads - using the Thread.interrupt() > method and waiting for an InteruptExeception seems to be not supported > by the rpc(...) methods of ECLiPSe. So, is there any other safe way to > terminate rpc(...) ? Maybe someone could post some example code. > > I'm using the EmbeddedEclipse engine. I'm not sure if this could be > easier solved by OutOfProcessEclipse or RemoteEclipse but in any case > I'm quite unsure what's a good way of terminating the call to ECLiPSe. You can do that with OutOfProcessEclipse and RemoteEclipse variants by opening an asynchronous queue (see http://www.eclipse-clp.ord/doc/embedding/embroot047.html), and let the queue handler on the ECLiPSe side raise an 'abort' event. I attach some corresponding Java code from our test suite. It looks a bit lengthy, but all it does is to create the queue and set up a handler from the ECLiPSe side: event_create(post_events_from_stream(aeq_test), [defers], Event)_at_sepia_kernel, peer_queue_create(aeq_test, host, async, bidirect, Event) and from the Java side the interrupting thread simply writes an EXDR "abort" to this queue, which the ECLiPSe-side handler then turns into an abort-event. You can also look at the source code of the ECLiPSe toplevel (<eclipsedir>/pl/, look for gui_interrupt_request) to see similar code used for the tkeclipse interrupt button. class AsyncQueuePostEventTest extends EclipseConnectionTest { String setTestName(){return("Async queue event posting test");} EclipseConnection tested_eclipse; AsyncEclipseQueue aeq; AsyncQueuePostEventTest(EclipseConnection subjectEclipse, String subjectEclipseName) { super(subjectEclipse, subjectEclipseName); } public void EventPoster() { try{ Thread.sleep(1000); EXDROutputStream eos = new EXDROutputStream(aeq.getOutputStream()); eos.write("abort"); eos.flush(); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception: " + e.toString() ); e.printStackTrace(); } } boolean test(EclipseConnection eclipse) { // create queue String aeqName = "aeq_test"; try { eclipse.rpc( "event_create(post_events_from_stream("+aeqName+"), [defers], Event)_at_sepia_kernel,"+ "peer_queue_create("+aeqName+", '"+ eclipse.getPeerName().functor()+"',"+ "async, bidirect, Event)"); aeq = eclipse.getAsyncEclipseQueue(aeqName); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception: " + e.toString() ); e.printStackTrace(); return(false); } // create event posting thread tested_eclipse = eclipse; Runnable runEventPoster = new Runnable() { public void run() { EventPoster(); } }; (new Thread(runEventPoster, "Event Poster")).start(); // run rpc try { eclipse.rpc("between(1,5,1,_),sleep(1),fail ; true"); return(false); } catch(Throw t) { // expected result! } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception: " + e.toString() ); e.printStackTrace(); return(false); } try { eclipse.rpc("peer_queue_close("+aeqName+")"); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception: " + e.toString() ); e.printStackTrace(); return(false); } return true; } } -- JoachimReceived on Fri Apr 27 2007 - 12:03:45 CEST
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