Dear Users! ECLiPSe 5.5 is now available from our web site The highlights in this version are: + full version of XPRESS-MP for academic use is included, allowing to tackle large-scale LP/MIP problems + new tutorial document "ECLiPSe - An Introduction" + new library implementing SBDS (symmetry breaking during search) + new development support libraries for source checking and cross referencing + performance and functionality enhancements to the interval constraint solver lib(ic) You can find more detailed release notes here Best regards, ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The ECLiPSe Team / fax: +44 171 594 8432 IC-Parc, Imperial College / London SW7 2AZ, UK / ------- You received this mail because you are on the mailing list You are on this list either because you subscribed to it, or because you have obtained a license for ECLiPSe from us. To unsubscribe, see on Thu Nov 21 16:23:27 2002
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